New Year, New Space: How To Declutter Your Home With Self Storage

A flat lay of various storage containers in different sizes, colors, and materials.

Clear the clutter and start the year off right—in an organized home. There’s no better time than the new year to declutter and tidy your home. In this blog, the storage professionals from The Storage Manager offer advice on how to declutter your house with tips and tricks for each room in your home. Wondering how to purge your house? Read on!

How To Clean Your Bedroom

By tidying your bedroom you can create a cozier space for beginning and ending each day. A decluttered, well kept room can even improve the quality of your sleep. To effectively clean a bedroom, it’s actually ideal to start with less visible spaces where clutter can build up, like closets, drawers, and the space under your bed.

Clean out your drawers and closets by donating, selling, or throwing away clothing that no longer fits or you haven’t worn within a year. Take excess items and clutter and reorganize them into storage containers, allocating a place for everything. Designating a spot to store everything will make it easier to stay organized moving forward.

Tips for Cleaning a Living Room

When you clean your living room, you’ll have a tranquil space for relaxing and hosting get-togethers, movie nights, or date nights. A neat living room can give you space for décor and furniture to spice up your home and express your sense of style.

Clear the clutter in your living room by removing items you no longer use or that no longer reflect your style. If you want to display more items in your living room but don’t have a place to put them, consider adding a bookshelf or installing floating shelves. This allows you to display items without adding clutter to your floor. To save even more space, consider furniture with built-in storage, like a pullout sofa or an ottoman with drawers.

Kitchen Organization Tips

Silverware, kitchen tools, and napkins are organized in a kitchen drawer with a wooden tray.

Keeping a kitchen clean can be difficult, especially since many kitchens have limited storage space. If you’re running out of room on your countertops, take advantage of the vertical space available to you by using hanging storage for utensils, pots, pans, and more. If your drawers start to look disorganized, use in-drawer organization trays for silverware and kitchen tools.

How To Organize a Bathroom

Just because it’s likely the smallest room in your house doesn’t mean it’s not important to organize your bathroom. Keep your cabinets and drawers tidy by throwing away empty containers and expired products. You can find the expiration date on the label of most cosmetics and personal care products, which may look like a circular bin marked with a number followed by the letter “M,” signifying that a product is good for a certain number of months.

Bathroom Storage Ideas

If you have limited space in your bathroom cabinets, there are many ways to get creative with bathroom storage. For example:

  • Use an over-the-door shoe organizer to store lotions, sprays, and other items.
  • Add a narrow plastic shelf to your bathroom to store personal care items and towels.
  • Install floating shelves to store frequently used products.
  • Mount wire baskets or cubes on the wall for extra storage.
  • Hang baskets from your shower’s pole.

How To Organize Your Garage

Homeowner reaches for rake from an organized garage wall with tools mounted on hooks.

When it comes to home organization, the garage can be easily overlooked. By cleaning out your garage and keeping it organized, you gain valuable space you can use for storage. A clean garage can also be transformed into a workshop, gym, or crafting space.

To keep your garage clean, properly and securely store all tools and equipment. If you have children, stow any dangerous or sharp tools out of reach. You can use sturdy hooks to do this or stand them up in a container like a plastic bin or bucket. Install shelving and use bins to keep smaller items organized. Be sure to label each container so you know exactly where your items are.

Organize Your Home With the Help of Self Storage

If you don’t have enough room in your house, you may not be able to get organized, no matter how much tidying you do. To gain some additional space for your belongings, we recommend renting a self storage unit. We offer self storage in several locations and have climate-controlled storage units and drive-up storage options in many sizes.

Rent storage online today, or feel free to contact us for assistance. You can find more information about our storage solutions on our FAQ page. For more helpful storage articles, check out our blog.

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